Complaints Handling

Pursuant to CSSF Regulation Num. 16/07, Global Evolution Asset Management A/S has adopted a procedure for the handling of customer complaints and enquiries.

The CSSF Regulation N° 16-07 provides with two levels in the complain process: the complaint needs to be firstly addressed to the manager of Global Evolution Asset Management A/S, Luxembourg Branch and, in case the branch manager does not answer the Complainant within a certain timeframe, the Complainant may instead address the complaint to the CSSF.

Complaint to Global Evolution Asset Management A/S, Luxembourg Branch

For the compliant  to be valid, it must be formalized in writing even if it was initially communicated via phone.

Making a complaint

The Complainant shall provide Global Evolution Asset Management A/S, Luxembourg Branch  with a formal written document having the following information:

  • A valid identity document (in case of a legal entity, a constitutive document or a register excerpt of the legal entity and details regarding its legal representatives) together with the contact details of the Complainant; and 
  • Evidence of the Complainant legitimacy to act (by example a valid proxy in the case the Complainant acts on behalf of a legal person, etc.); and
  • A detailed and chronological statement of the facts underlying the complaint together with all relevant supporting documentation.

Filing of the complaint

The Complainant must address a written complaint, in the first instance, to the Executive management  of Global Evolution Asset Management A/S :

By email:

By post:

Global Evolution Asset Management A/S

Att. Morten BUGGE, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer

Buen 11, 2nd Floor | DK-6000 Kolding | Denmark

CVR no. 30602153


Handling of the complaint

Upon reception of the complaint, Global Evolution Asset Management A/S will record the relevant details, including the date and time of receipt. Global Evolution Asset Management A/S will issue a written acknowledgement of the receipt of the complaint to the Complainant within 10 (ten) Luxembourg business days unless the complaint has been fully resolved within the intervening period or if the complaint requires deepest investigation.

Each complainant is informed of the name and contact information of the person in charge of his/her file. As far as possible, that person will be the contact person of the complainant throughout the internal handling procedure for his/her complaint.

In accordance with the CSSF Regulation 16-07, Global Evolution Asset Management A/S will provide the Complainant with a written explanation of the outcome of the investigation and any actions taken to solve the complaint.

All complaints are handled diligently, confidentially and with high priority to ensure prompt responses to the clients.  We aim to answer client complaints within 20 (twenty) business days (in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg), and at latest within one (1) month, from the date at which the complaint was sent.

If an answer cannot be provided within reasonable timescale, Global Evolution Asset Management A/S,  will inform the Complainant of the causes of the delay and indicate the date at which a response is likely to be provided.

More information about the Complaint Policy is made available by the Management Company in hard copy free of charge to the investors, upon request.

Where a customer did not receive a response within one month of a complaint being submitted to us, the complainant can bring this matter to the CSSF, as an out-of-court resolution possibility.

Requests to the CSSF on out-of-court resolution can be filled via the Website of the CSSF in accordance with the regulation 16-07. The customer can refer their complaint to the CSSF within one year of the date of filing with Global Evolution Manco by the following means:
•    Mail address to the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, 283, route d’Arlon, L-2991 Luxembourg
•    Email at