
Before investing

Please note that the Key Information Document (the "KID(s)") must be obtained from your advisor, financial institution, local agent, the Management Company's offices or this website and read carefully before placing an order. An application form to subscribe in any of the sub-fund's shares should only be made after having read fully the KID, the Fund's prospectus, accompanied by the latest available audited annual report and by the latest half yearly report, if published later than such annual report and application form.

The above documents are available from Global Evolution Funds' local offices, appointed Fund's local agents offices, participating licensed financial advisors and institutions' offices or branches, or this website.

To make a new investment

You can invest in our funds directly via your usual financial institution, your adviser or by yourself. How? You can follow one of the below options:
Option A - Via an advisor: Simply contact your adviser and provide the ISIN code of the Global Evolution Funds’ share class that you are interested in subscribing to; or
Option B - Via your financial institution: Complete the application form that you can get from your financial institution and return the form to the same institution with the required documents prior to the cut-off time.
Option C - By yourself: Request the application form directly from The Bank of New York Mellon (Luxembourg) S.A. (the "Transfer Agent"), at the following contact details:

The Bank of New York Mellon (Luxembourg) S.A.
Vertigo Building – Polaris
2-4 rue Eugène Ruppert
L- 2453 Luxembourg
Tel.: + 352 24 52 57 08
Fax: + 352 24 52 42 10

Then, fill in the form and return it to the above address with the required documents prior to the cut off time as stated in the prospectus with the required documentation as stated in the application form.

Subsequent orders

For subsequent investments, redemptions or conversions of shares, please follow the process described in the Global Evolution Funds' prospectus or contact the Fund’s Transfer Agent, as identified In the prospectus or your local agent.

Application forms